Sunday, February 26, 2006

I Guess I Just Didn't Do It

I suppose it goes without saying that I never joined the gym. If I had, you'd surely have read about it here. My heart just wasn't into it, and I took too long to act on my initial enthusiasm. So, I took that as a sign that it wasn't meant to be and I decided not to join.

In fact, I let a few things slide in February: I was set up with a woman, went out with her and another couple, and then didn't follow-up when I got her email address. I had a bad week at work and I let my frustrations show a bit too visibly. My apartment has started to get a bit messy and cluttered again. I actually haven't done my laundry in a month — which would be pretty gross if I didn't have enough clothes to go another week without doing it. Hell, I didn't even see a movie all month. And, against all my better efforts, I got sucked back into American Idol.

But that all stops here. I'm declaring February an "off" month. In March I will get back on the horse. I went out with another woman last week, and I'm not going to brush this off so easily. I'm going to clean up my apartment (again). I'm going to try and focus better at work so I can reach my professional goals. And no, I'm not going to join the gym, but that's alright. I'm going to be more realistic about setting goals I can actually achieve.

It's a couple days early, but Happy March.


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