Friday, April 04, 2008

A Parting Gift

Awwwww ... how sweet. On my last day in the apartment, as I'm packing up and throwing stuff out, feeling happy and relaxed and having fun, I've been blessed by my neighbor with yet another flute recital. How did she know that's exactly what I wanted? I guess since it's 4:45 in the afternoon I don't have a very good reason to make her stop (other than my perpetual annoyance and her seemingly uncurable lack of courtesy and the fact that I can hear it even when I go outside — and the fact that the building managers have asked her and her roommate to stop practicing their instruments in the building not once but twice), so I guess I'll just let her play. And I'll even join in the fun by blasting my music really loud and seeing how she likes it. Everybody gets something! Hooray!



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