Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tasty Tunes

I bought Abby her first CD last week: Snacktime by Barenaked Ladies. It's the band's first full-length CD for children, but I bought a copy of my own as well, and I have to say, listening to it while driving down to NY on Saturday made the trip so much more enjoyable. If you're a longtime fan of the band like I am, you likely miss the novelty and fun that marked their earlier albums, particularly Gordon. Well, that sense of whimsy is all over Snacktime. There's a song called "Popcorn" that's basically a solid minute of the word "pop" over and over. The song "Crazy ABCs" is a typical alphabet song, except the lyrics start out like this: "A is for Aisle, B is for Bdellium, C is for Czar" and continue in similar fashion, with none of the words cited sounding like they begin with their first letter. Many of the 24 songs are two minutes in length or shorter, and nearly all are about things kids can get into, like "Vegetable Town," "Bad Day," and "Allergies," which lists all the things a child can possibly be allergic to (bees, dust, wheat, etc.). Most songs work on multiple levels, like the best of the Disney movies do. For example, one of my favorite tracks is simply called "Eraser," and it celebrates what that thing can do. Toward the middle of the song, there's a break in the upbeat tune, and Steven Page sings, in his most deadpan serious style, the following lyric: "If I wrote you a letter, but I made an error, I could fix it ... and make it better." It's humor that may go over most kids' heads, but if you're a parent (or a childless adult), you'll appreciate it. As children's music goes, this is the kind that doesn't grate or annoy. Snacktime is fun, tuneful, and, um, tasty. It's also one of my favorite BNL albums. I can't wait till Abby hears Snacktime and enjoys it on her own. Until then, I know her parents will love it. And so will I.

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Blogger Mrs. A said...

Thanks Marty for the suggestion. I'm so excited that you are so excited about your niece. Being a mom is amazing but I do agree that there is really something special about being an aunt. I LOVE IT!

Also, I very excited you have a niece because I'm excited to see what other kiddie suggestions you have. I'm definitely in the market for some new fun hip music for Henry so I'll check this album out for sure. You may also want to check out NO! by They Might Be Giants. It is so much fun to listen too. I just bought the Curious George CD by Jack Johnson which is pretty cool too.

I can't wait to see more of your kiddie suggestions and congrats to the whole family on the new addition!

May 13, 2008 1:35 AM  

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