Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tube Tops

Generally, I try to stay inside when it's cold out. I'm not a skiier and I can't get too excited about many winter activities. But Saturday, I jumped at the chance to go tubing — even if it meant an hour-long trek up to Amesbury. I layered up, putting on jeans and sweatpants; a tshirt, hooded sweatshirt and a hooded winter coat; and of course, gloves and a scarf — not because I needed protection from getting banged up or anything, but because it was damned cold out! But it was worth it.

The Amesbury Sports Park charges just $20 for three hours of tubing, and though we only stayed just over two hours, we still went up and down seven times — more than enough. Some hills were thinner and faster than others (I was told they've clocked a speed of just under 60 mph on the fastest ones), but no matter if we went tandem, on a wider path or a thinner one, if we went feet first or lying on our stomach, if we faced front the whole way or if we were spinning around, it was a great time. None of us went so fast that we couldn't break and ended up on Route 495, so that's good. None of us got hurt. And, truth be told, it wasn't even that cold; the layered-up thing worked quite well. Would I run back to Amesbury to do this again? No. But now that I've done it, I can spend the rest of the winter nestled safely and warmly on my couch (under my Slanket, of course).



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