Sunday, January 01, 2006

A Very Good Place to Start

To quote (sort of) the great thinker Michael Jackson, "You wanna be startin' somethin'? You've got to be startin' somethin'." And you'd have to agree that ain't no time like January 1 to be startin' somethin'.

So, I'm happy to announce that The Great Clean-up of 2006 — step one in "The Great Reinvention of Martin Lieberman" — has begun. The top of my dresser is now clean and my laundry bags are now empty. Of course, this means that my closet and some drawers of my dresser (particularly those containing socks and t-shirts) are now over-stuffed. But small steps, people. Small steps.

Today I hung up a ton of shirts and pants that had accumulated over about a month and a half, probably more. That's a lot of clothes. And thank God for Brooks Brothers' no-iron shirts or else much of it would be wrinkled. Also, I'm ashamed to admit that one of the two laundry bags (full of now-clean clothes) included a mix of loads that were at least three months old — though it's likely some were closer to five. Oh yeah, and I also threw out a bunch of junk — including old issues of magazines — and picked up a lot of dust bunnies off the floor. All told, a very productive day.

One of my New Year's Resolutions this year is to take better care of my apartment. Today I tackled the dresser, laundry bags, and floors, not to mention the magazines that were strewn across my coffee table. Next comes going through my clothes and either throwing out or donating old stuff I don't wear anymore (depending on what state they're in). After that, I'll finally tackle the clutter, whether it's the stacks of mail on my kitchen table, the magazines under my coffee table (again), or my multiple bookshelves, DVD rack, and CD collection. And somewhere in there, I plan to hire a professional cleaner to make this place shine once again. (Anyone have any recommendations for a cleaning person? Seriously.)

If you know me at all, you know that this is quite an ambitious plan (if you can even call it a plan), especially since I'd love to have much of it done by February. But perhaps by putting this in writing and not just saying it, I'll actually get something done for a change. As I said, you've got to start somewhere.


Blogger Martin said...

Thanks, Dan. Perhaps I overstated things for dramatic effect. Still, there was (and is) a lot to clean and I've made a lot of headway in the past two days. Go me!

January 02, 2006 12:47 PM  
Blogger Anna B Rubin said...

As some one who has never seen the inside of the closet and just the apartment, which was very tidy, I had assumed you were just as tidy in the areas not visible to the naked eye. If I was around I'd love to help with the clean-up. Being a bit on the crazy neat and organized side (my shirt are hung in my closet by color - all blues together, greens, etc.) I find this sort of thing fun.

January 04, 2006 9:13 PM  

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