Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Pondering the Pita

Here at Martin's Musings, I only like to ponder the really important issues of the day. Here's a quick question that's on my mind at this present time: When and why did pita bread become the standard bread to hand out with food at take-out places? At most places, no matter what you order, you get pita with your meal. For example, today I got a chicken parmigiana "dinner" (i.e.: it included pasta) from Taste of the Town, and instead of, say, Italian bread, I got pita. When I used to go to the Kingston Deli, they would give you pita. And various other take-out places give it to you as well. I can understand it if you're getting a kebob or salad or something you might make into a sandwich. But where is the logical connection between chicken parm and pita? I just don't get it.



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