Monday, November 06, 2006

A Town That Won't Let You Down

Alright, I didn't just put my blog on hiatus these past few days, I put myself on hiatus and headed out to visit my friend Andrew in Chicago. Suffice it to say, a good time was had by all.

It's been two years since I was last in Chicago, and in that time much has changed. For example, whereas two years ago Andrew didn't know much about the city, now he still doesn't know much about Chicago — but he could fake it convincingly by giving me a whole dissertation about the grid system and how easy it is to navigate around. (ha ha) But more importantly, Andrew's engaged, so one of the biggest reasons I went out there was to meet his fiancee, Rachel.

It was a packed weekend: I got in Thursday night and we went to dinner at Shine Morida; Friday I was on my own and walked all the way down Clark to Michigan Ave., where I went to the Hancock Observatory, did some shopping, and visited Millenium Park; at night we brought in dinner from Bacino's and saw a show at Second City; Saturday, Andrew and I had brunch at Stella's, then went to the Field Museum; at night we met up with some of Rachel and Andrew's friends and had dinner at Las Tablas, then Andrew and I went to Rosa's Lounge, a great blues club where Jimmy Johnson was performing; Sunday, we had brunch at Panes, and then I headed home.

That's not really all we did, but something tells me you would be less than impressed if I told you we also watched five — yes, five — episodes of Grey's Anatomy now that Andrew and Rachel are hooked on the show and are catching up with the season two DVD set. And you probably would have little sympathy for me if I told you I did a lot of walking around in the cold (40 degrees or so) since it was apparently just as cold back in Boston. And it's a funny story, but the fact that we tried but could not get into Buddy Guy's Legends doesn't add much to the overall recap. I also figure you don't care that Chicago's WLIT was already playing Christmas music 24/7 and that it made me smile.

But all told, it was a great weekend. It was nice to see different parts of the city than those I saw last time, and it was nice to see that Andrew's found himself a great fiancee. And of course, I took a lot more pictures than the ones you see here; if you want to see the rest, just follow this link.

Ah, Chicago. It's my kind of town.

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