What's on my mind? A mix of movies, music, marketing, media, and much more ...
"Are you prepared to take a dive into the deep end of my head?" — Jason Mraz
Friday, July 13, 2007
Can't Say It, Can't 'Spray It
I saw a really fun movie Thursday night, but I was asked to hold off on publishing a review until next week. So, don't consider this post an official "review." I can't even mention the film by name. But this movie — I'll call it Airsprayhay so you'll never figure out what I'm talking about — is totally bright and colorful and fun and perfect for the summer. AND, I am totally and completely in love with Amanda Bynes now — even more than I was. The girl is totally adorable in this movie, with her sunkissed tanned skin and cute cluelessness and upbeat teenage playfulness. How many times did I turn to Farrah and say, "I love that girl." (And yes, Amanda is legal.) But alright, I've probably said too much already. More on this film when my thoughts have a chance to gel.
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