Thursday, November 06, 2008

Before I Move On ...

It's hard to be so wrapped up and engaged in the election process and then just drop it simply because we now have a winner. So here are what I hope will be my last thoughts (and some other things) before I get back to writing about me and my own life again.

* I still feel really excited about Barack Obama's win, and really happy for the country. I'm proud to be an American, and I suspect this is a feeling that will last for a long time.

* Have you seen this yet: What about

* The biggest question I'm left with — as so many others are — is how the country can elect a black man as its president but the state of California (California!) can vote to make a marriage of two people in love illegal. (The same thing happened in Arizona and Florida.) It just doesn't make any sense. I hope the unfortunate passing of California's Prop 8 on Tuesday eventually results in some real positive change for gay people, not just on the West coast but all across the country. (On a side note, I saw Milk on Wednesday and I agree with those who think that if it had been released prior to the election, Prop 8 would never have passed. More comment on the movie itself will come in a couple weeks, closer to its release.)

* If you just can't get enough of hearing "A Change Is Gonna Come," perhaps you'd be interested in hearing 14 different versions, all downloadable as MP3s, courtesy of WFMU.

* I really wish Sarah Palin would just go back to Alaska and stay there, so we never have to see or hear from her ever again. Something tells me that just ain't gonna happen.

* And finally, what will Keith Olbermann do now that in 70-something days, he won't have George Bush to kick around anymore? I guess we'll find out all in good time. But Wednesday night on his show, he didn't gloat and hang a "Mission Accomplished" banner, as was humorously predicted by John McCain himself a couple weeks ago. Instead, in his final Campaign Comment, he looked back on the significance of Tuesday's election, keeping his own words to a minimum and letting the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy.

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