Saturday, April 25, 2009

Get Out!

"Unseasonably warm" is one of my favorite phrases, and I've been hearing it a lot in the past couple days because temperatures are in the 70s and 80s this weekend. You know, people who live in cities that are warm year-round (like Los Angeles) often kid me about why I stay in Boston when it's so cold in the winter. And invariably, I tell them it's because of days and weekends like this. When, after a long, cold, snowy winter, the weather finally gets warm and sunny, and we have our first taste of spring (or, in this case, summer) weather. Everyone goes outside, has a smile on their face, and is just happy. You dig the shorts out from your dresser drawers and put on a short-sleeve shirt, maybe also some flip-flops. You go for a walk, or maybe you get in the car, put the windows down, and turn the radio up. There are lines at ice cream places. The malls are empty. The Red Sox are winning. And it's awesome. When you've not had warm days like this in so long, you just appreciate them more.

Last night I got out of work a little early, got home, changed into a pair of shorts, and went for a walk around the reservoir over here by Cleveland Circle. All kinds of people were out. I even bumped into some friends. The sky was blue, the air was warm, I had my iPod on, I was getting some exercise, and it all felt really good. I'll probably make another couple loops today (at least) and a couple more tomorrow. I love spring in Boston. Really, why would I want to live anywhere else?



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