Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Now This Is Sweet

Longtime readers of this blog know about my utter hatred of Johnny Cupcakes. (Alright, fine. "Hate" is a strong word. But I really don't like the guy.) I mean, how do you open a store called Johnny Cupcakes and NOT sell cupcakes? It's just cruel. But now the tease in the Back Bay is coming to a close. Today marks the opening of Sweet, an actual cupcake store with what I'm hoping is an accurate name, on Mass Ave. between Marlborough St. and Comm Ave. Hooray! Daily cupcakes include the "Sweet Cake," which is a creamy Madagascar vanilla bean cake with special Sweet vanilla or Dutch cocoa frosting. Mmmmmm. There will also be seasonal and specialty flavors — and even some Red Sox–themed cupcakes. Granted, the 'cakes look a little on the small side, but maybe that's all for the best. Either way, I embrace this new store and hope to make my way over there really soon.

(Thanks to Andrea for the tip.)

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