Friday, October 31, 2008

Booooooo from Bruuuuuuce

If you haven't heard yet, Bruce Springsteen has posted a free song for Halloween on his Web site. It's a bluesy riff called "A Night with the Jersey Devil" and you can download it right here. There's also a video that you can watch at Enjoy, and again, happy halloween!

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Spooky Scary

Happy Halloween! Thought I'd post Tracy Morgan's "Werewolf Bar Mitzvah" (from 30 Rock) in honor of the day. Enjoy!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Uh Oh

Some really bad news for Barack Obama: The Alien has endorsed John McCain. This, according to the Weekly World News, which also reports that "In a last ditch effort to help her husband’s failing campaign, Cindy McCain seduced and then blackmailed the Alien for his endorsement." The story continues, "Ms. McCain’s alien-like good looks and natural blood temperature of 54 degrees Fahrenheit may have proved too much for [the Alien] to resist as she reportedly put her cyborg husband into sleep mode and worked her charms."The Alien had thrown his support behind Obama earlier this year, but I guess he's changed his mind. All kidding aside, it's worth noting that the Alien has correctly predicted the winning president in every election for the past 28 years. Don't worry, Barack. You still have my vote.


"We're Still Here."

Barack Obama chats with Jon Stewart. Enjoy.

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Thank You, Summer

I hate being sick. It's well documented that I'm not a very good sick person. So it gives me no great pleasure to say that for a few days now I've been sneezing and I'm congested, and I get a sore throat and cough (but only at night for some reason). That's why I called in sick on Wednesday for the first time in more than two years in an effort to help myself get over whatever it is that I have (some call it a cold, I think it's something else).

So yeah. I stayed home yesterday. And I've gotta tell you: after waking up later than usual and settling into position on the couch, I quickly found myself bored. Jeez ... What happened to the sick day? Isn't this supposed to be a fun day? The kind of day you long for where you get to watch game shows and all kinds of cheesy TV all day, and you relax and bake cookies, and by day's end you feel so much better? I don't know about that. By 10 a.m. I was already checking my work email and browsing around on the Interwebs and looking for other ways to keep busy. I mean, what else was I going to do, watch The View? That would only make me feel worse. Now of course, I could have done some apartment cleaning or read a book — you know, something productive — but I didn't. I basically just caught up on some shows I'd recorded in recent weeks, took it easy, spent too much time on my computer, and somehow the day flew.

Actually, if you want to know the truth, the highlight of my day was (no kidding) watching a repeat of The O.C. on SoapNet. And not just any repeat, but the second-season Chrismukkah episode — one of the top-three best episodes of a not-always-great but still beloved series. And, well, despite any boredom I had felt all day, when Summer Roberts saved Chrismukkah for the Cohen clan, she had also saved my day from being a total loss. I'm not saying Summer is this year's miracle cure or anything, but she made me feel a whole lot better. So yeah, Summer Roberts does it again. She saved Chrismukkah and she saved my sick day. Hooray for Summer Roberts! And hopefully, farewell to my cold really soon too.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's That Simple: Vote

"What you do inside a voting booth is a secret," Borat tells us in this clip. "I like to make a hand release. Niiiiice."

And if you never saw the first version of this clip, here it is.


You Really Have to Pay Attention to Words

We've got less than a week left until the election (thank God). Here's a rather amusing summary of the three presidential debates.
Get the latest news satire and funny videos at

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Friday, October 24, 2008

I Won't Let This Happen

Check out this video. I will make a promise to y'all: If Barack Obama loses, it will not be my fault.

Want to customize this and send it to your friends? Click here. Thanks, Colin, for sending it to me.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dancing with the Candidates

I love this. Thank God for Photoshop, and for the talented artist who did this. My only question is, which one is the pro and which one is the star?

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Just Because Other People Your Age Are Doing It ...

Penn Badgley and Blake Lively (mmmm ... Blake Lively) from my new favorite show, Gossip Girl, have now made a PSA encouraging young folks to talk to their parents about the dangers of voting for John McCain. The video's not all that exciting, but hey, did I mention it's got Blake Lively in it?!

For more, go to

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's Not a Funny Election?

Danny DeVito, Carl Reiner, Jerry Stiller and others think the election is not a laughing matter.

Check out for more.

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A Lifetime of Pain

The new film Changeling tells a true story: In 1928, the son of Christine Collins (a single mother) disappeared. In order to find him, Christine had to go up against a corrupt Los Angeles Police Department and fight for them to continue the search, even though they kept telling her it was over. And of course, this was 1928, so a woman standing up for herself and fighting back against the police department (or any government office, for that matter) was not looked at so fondly. But Christine persevered, and with the help of an activist reverend, she made a difference in the Los Angeles legal system. No, Changeling is not a made-for-TV movie for the Lifetime network. It's an actual big-screen movie starring Angelina Jolie (and John Malkovich) and directed by Clint Eastwood. And while Jolie is fine here, this is not one for her highlight reel.

Changeling really does belong on Lifetime with all the other melodramas. Like those films, it forces the star to spend much of the movie crying and yelling — what a change from A Mighty Heart, Jolie's last missing person drama, in which her performance was more subtle and measured. Some of the dialogue in this very slow-moving movie is a bit laughable, and one key child actor is, well, let's just say Clint should stick to adult actors. I don't want to completely trash Changeling because truth be told, it's not an awful movie. But throughout, I couldn't help but think the lead should have been played by Valerie Bertinelli or Meredith Baxter, and that Jolie should go back to making movies that are more worthy of her. No wonder this one isn't getting the big promotional push that other films with this caliber of talent would receive. Changeling only rates a B– from me.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not Smarter Than a Third Grader

Sounds like Sarah Palin doesn't even know what she's running for.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Not This Year

Good for the Rays. That said, what a bummer. I mean, even when you tell yourself they won't win — they can't come back from 3-1 again ... can they? — when the momentum shifts to the Sox as it did in Games 5 and 6, it's hard not to get optimistic and excited, and to think they might just go all the way. But, alas, you can't win 'em all. This was not our year. Last year was. And so was 2004. But I'm sad for 'Tek, and happy it was not he who made the last out. I hope this was not the last time we see him in a Sox uniform. And thankfully, it was a closer series than it initially appeared it would be. We didn't lose by screwing it up as much as the Rays just played better.

I sat here watching Game 7 Sunday night in my beloved broken-in 2007 World Series Champions sweatshirt, and I'll keep on wearing it, remembering the good times we had last fall. And, now I can get back to my real life, since I will not have to stay up late to watch baseball games again until April. (But oh, how I wanted to for another week.)

Thanks, Sox, for a great season. We'll see you in February at Spring Training. And CHB? I still blame you.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

All the Mavericks in the House, Put Your Hands Up

In case you missed it, here are the two Sarah Palin bits from last night's Saturday Night Live.

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

We Sang, We Danced, We Had Great Seats

It was four years ago that I last saw Jason Mraz live. It was an acoustic show at the Orpheum here in Boston and suffice it to say, it was not a good show — or at least my memories of it are not good. So what a relief that Mraz's show Friday night back at the Orpheum was so much better and I now have it to refer to when I think of his live performances.

You already know how much I love Mraz's latest album, We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things. Well, how good was it to hear so many of those tracks live. Mraz really has a beautiful voice, and it was in evidence on songs like "If It Kills Me" and a James Morrison-less "Details in the Fabric," not to mention on "Life Is Wonderful," "Unfold," and others. The seven-piece band — including an impressively tight horn section — really brought songs like "Live High" and "Make It Mine" to life (not that the songs needed help, mind you).

Our seats were four rows from the stage, dead center, so we saw it all — including a couple get engaged right in front of me during the jubilant "I'm Yours." (Yeah, the guy actually got down on one knee in the middle of the concert.) We couldn't always hear Mraz singing (I don't think the speakers were turned up enough), but when we did, he sounded great. I mean, picking a highlight from the 16-song set list was tough. I keep mentioning stuff he sang — "The Remedy (I Won't Worry)," "Butterfly," and "No Stopping Us" made for a fun encore — and that's just because it was all good. I also enjoyed "The Dynamo of Volition," even if there was synchronized audience choreography.

If I had to quibble with anything, it would be three things: One, I wish Mraz didn't slow down the tempo of some of his more upbeat songs, like "Remedy." I also wish he didn't take such long breaks between each song during the first half of the show to hydrate and talk — it killed the pacing. And finally, although the show was two hours long, I wish he'd played more. Among the tracks not played were "Geek in the Pink" and, a more egregious omission, "You and I Both." I suppose an old classic like "The Dream Life of Rand McNally" would be asking too much.

But that said, as I previously mentioned, what Mraz did sing was very good. And though he ended the show with the mellow "A Beautiful Mess," it was simply gorgeous and it sent me out into the night on a high. So now, unlike the last time I saw Mraz live, I can't wait to see him again.

(One interesting observation before I go, however. I remember a time when bringing a camera to and taking pictures at a concert was forbidden. Mraz encourages picture-taking; at one point, photos from the audience were projected on the screens behind him. Had I known, I would have brought my own camera. The photos above are from the Schreiders. Click here to see the rest.)

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Friday, October 17, 2008

"Tonight I'd Like to Talk About the Economy ..."

From last night's Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner in New York. Funny stuff.

Part one:

Part two:


Off to St. Pete

I'm not going to lie: I had the Red Sox dead. I was already wishing people Happy Winter. I was saying I didn't want the Sox to win Game Five because I didn't want the series to continue, didn't want them to come back and to have to relive the same story we saw in 2004 and 2007. Hell, I was only awake to see the end because I was going to watch John McCain on David Letterman. But damn if the game Thursday night — the last three innings of it, anyway — weren't totally exciting. Wow. What a comeback. You can poo-poo the Sox and baseball all you want, as I was doing. But when you see something like this, when you feel the hour getting late and see the game getting closer, you have to get excited. And then they overcome tremendous odds, come back from 7-0 and actually win the game. Wow. This is great. Go Sox!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Simply Stated

(Thanks to Jeffrey Wells for the tip and kudos to the Willamette Week for the artwork.)


Off to Visit Grandma

File this one under "I saw it so you don't have to" — not that you really had any intention of seeing Sex Drive anyway, did you? (I didn't think so.) This story of a shy 18-year-old virgin on a road trip to meet the hottie he's met on the Internets and, hopefully, to have sex for the first time, is not an outrageous, obnoxious comedy like its name would imply. In fact, while there are some scenes that clearly are R-rated (one in a trailer and another in a rest room, for example), Sex Drive is actually a rather tame and sweet movie where said virgin realizes he's actually in love with his female best friend before he can do the deed with the hottie (oops! Did I just ruin it for you?), that includes a handful of pleasant chuckles (mostly ones involving Seth Green's Amish character). Nothing hysterical here, but nothing groan-worthy either. It's like if American Pie and Superbad had a kid but the kid actually had a conscience. So I'm giving Sex Drive a not-awful B–.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Everybody Wins!

In honor of National Grouch Day, I thought I'd observe the Equal Time rule and post this PSA for John McCain.


W. Is O.K.

You may have noticed that I'm a Democrat. Despite that, I went to see W. with eager anticipation. This film, a look at the life and times of George "Dubya" Bush from his days at Yale through 2004, was an ambitious undertaking and came together rather quickly earlier this year. So kudos definitely go to director Oliver Stone, because the finished product is an impressive film. Led by a charismatic, excellent performance by Josh Brolin, W. portrays our current president as a guy who likes a good time, is easily bored, but loves a challenge. And no challenge is greater for the film's W. than stepping out of his father's shadow. Whether it's pledging a fraternity, running for public office, or starting a war in Iraq, most everything W. does is motivated by his "Poppy."

Stone and writer Stanley Weiser (who also wrote Rudy: The Rudy Giuliani Story) resist the temptation to paint W. as an incompetent fool and make the film a political attack. Not that this is an entirely sympathetic portrait either — far from it. Instead, Bush is shown as a guy who got in over his head and who's surrounded himself with stronger and more threatening personalities (Thandie Newton's Condoleezza Rice will scare you with just a look). Richard Dreyfuss' Dick Cheney is appropriately menacing, and Jeffrey Wright's Colin Powell does his best to stay noble and above the fray. But it's Bush with the weakness and compulsion to win who is willingly coached by Karl Rove (Toby Jones) and his Cabinet and goes along with their plans.

Since I'm not totally up on my political knowledge, I can't say whether the film is fair or accurate, but I can tell you it certainly feels authentic. That's partly due to the acting, which is great across the board. It's worth noting how huge and notable the cast is — in addition to those already mentioned, it includes everyone from Noah Wyle and Stacy Keach to Rob Cordrry and Ioan Gruffudd. You may giggle at first when you recognize certain cast members, but all settle into their roles nicely. I didn't exactly love this movie — after all, it's not like I was rooting for W. to succeed. Plus, we all know how things turn out for our supposed hero. But as a fictionalized document of current events, W. is engaging and interesting. Even though I don't support this president, I can still support the movie. So I'm giving W. a B+.

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Feeling Rotten's PopWatch has just informed me that today is National Grouch Day. Muppets aside, I have much to be grouchy about lately (including the Red Sox falling behind 3-1 in the ALCS again) so I'll be celebrating enthusiastically. Grumble grumble grumble ...


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rock & Roller

As a tribute to Christopher Columbus, I did a little exploring of my own yesterday and discovered a great new artist who I wanted to tell y'all about. His name is Eric Hutchinson, and he's a singer-songwriter with a funky/poppy Jason Mraz/Ben Folds/Jack Johnson/John Mayer vibe that I'm really digging. Check out the video for his first single "Rock & Roll," which I've embedded below. It reminds me of Mraz's first single, "The Remedy (I Won't Worry)." If you like the Hutch's song, click here to download that track and others. Or, better yet, head to iTunes and buy the new deluxe edition of Eric's debut CD, Sounds Like This (in addition to Ray LaMontagne's Gossip in the Grain, of course). For added fun, check out Live from Daryl's House tomorrow, Wednesday, when Eric will be interviewed by Daryl Hall, of Hall & Oates. Sure, I may be a little late to the party — Perez Hilton has already talked all about the Hutch and VH1 has already named Eric an artist that You Oughta Know — but that doesn't mean you still have to be in the dark about him. Check out the video and let me know if you're digging the Hutch's music as much as I am.


The L Word

As Rachel Maddow says: "Sometimes the most important thing you need to know about a politician is the frequency and enthusiasm and skill with which they lie to you." Here's yet another example of how Sarah Palin is quite skilled at avoiding the truth.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Thanks, Dan

So let me get this straight: The Red Sox win game one, Dice-K impresses (all things considered), and the series is off to a good start. Then Shaughnessy writes a column about how it's already all over and we've won the whole series, and all of a sudden we can't win, nothing's going our way, and we're down two games to one? I mean, sure, Beckett and Lester (and of course, Timlin) are surely to blame for our losses in games two and three, and the series is surely far from over, but jeez Louise ... can't CHB keep his mouth shut? Just once??? Shaughnessy jinxed us in a big way, and I am not happy to see the same ALCS scenario play out again.

Oh, and don't think I missed Buck Martinez adding salt to the wound when he announced early in the game tonight that Lester was the best pitcher in the major leagues. No sooner did he say that — right after the five-pitch top of the first — that Lester starting giving up runs and basically stinking up the joint. Thanks to you, too, Buck.


Twisted Sister

Do not be fooled by the trailer for Rachel Getting Married: It may look like a remake of Margot at the Wedding — last year's very good movie about a bitter, unkind sister coming home for her sister's wedding and wreaking havoc — but it's not. Sure, the two movies have that basic plot in common, but Rachel cuts a lot deeper, with much sharper knives, and it's much more painful to watch at times.

As directed by Jonathan Demme (Silence of the Lambs), the action in Rachel unfolds naturally, and it's captured in a hand-held vérité style that makes you feel like you are there. Kym (the excellent Anne Hathaway) has gotten out of rehab to attend her sister Rachel's wedding. Kym is still dealing with a lot of unresolved internal pain and over the course of the weekend, she takes it out on nearly every member of her family. Rachel explores these familial issues, and the camerawork is effective in heightening the immediacy and pain of the situation, but the film never really resolves anything. So what we're left with — other than some very good performances — is basically a home movie of a very awkward wedding weekend. And as such, there are some scenes, like the rehearsal dinner one, that just go on waaaaay too long. I hate going to a wedding where I don't know anyone, and at times, that's what I felt like I had done. I just wanted to slip out and leave. Rachel tops out at just under two hours and it should have been about 20 minutes shorter.

It's impressive how the central couple's mixed race is treated as a non-issue (it's not ever referred to), and it probably should be repeated that Anne Hathaway is very good here, as is Rosemarie DeWitt, who plays Rachel. Alas, those scenes where they can really act come too infrequently in the movie and I found myself on an uncomfortable roller-coaster ride of emotion. So I'm going to keep my review to a B.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Solving the Great Fake Issues of Our Time

Paris Hilton is back, and this time she's seeking the fake advice of former President Jed Bartlett, a.k.a. Martin Sheen. After all, "America was at its best when it was on NBC." This chick definitely has my fake vote. I know she'll help get us out of "the biggest depression since The Notebook."

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Jumping the Gun?

Hasn't Dan Shaughnessy learned anything in recent years? Methinks he has gotten a bit too confident and that he's jumping the gun. Here's what he wrote in today's Globe about last night's win over Tampa Bay:

<< It's only one game. So how come it already feels like the Red Sox are going to the World Series? ... It just does. >>

Um, dude ... weren't you here in 2004 and in 2007? You know the Yankees were dominant in the ALCS but didn't win the series in '04, and that the Sox won game one against Cleveland last year before they lost the next three and were on the verge of elimination. Hell, Cleveland even printed up and was selling ALCS championship t-shirts. So let's not get ahead of ourselves, alright? You don't want to jinx anything.

At least CHB's colleague Bob Ryan is talking some sense. Shaughnessy sounds like he should be wearing a pink hat or something.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Say It Right

On the one hand, this year we don't have to sit through those endless Dane Cook "There's Only One October" ads. But on the other hand, we do have to listen to Buck Martinez on TBS call our beloved designated hitter "David OR-tiz," as opposed to "David or-TIZ." I don't know anyone who pronounces Papi's name like he does. Say what you will about Fox Sports, but at least Joe Buck and Tim McCarver know who our players are. And they also dress a heck of a lot better than Craig Sager does. Jeeez, who picks out that guy's blazers??!

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Let It Be Him

I'm a couple days early, but I'm just so looking forward to the release of Ray LaMontagne's new album, Gossip in the Grain, on Tuesday that I wanted to get something up here now so you could spend the weekend downloading some tracks and being just as excited as I am for it. Ray's most recent album, Til the Sun Turns Black, was one of my favorite albums of 2006 (it still is a favorite). This new one sounds even better. I mean, check out "You Are the Best Thing," which you can download here or just listen to here. There's a music video up at that pretty much nails the sultry, romantic vibe of the song. There's another track, "Meg White," up for previewing at Stereogum. Those two are great, but for weeks now I've been hooked on another track, "Let It Be Me," which you can download here or listen to here. If you ask me, songs don't get much more beautiful than this one. I've posted the lyrics below so you can follow along while the song plays. Please, do yourself a favor and run to Best Buy or Newbury Comics (or whatever your favorite music retailer is) on Tuesday and buy this album. Or, just go right to iTunes right now and pre-order it. I haven't heard all of GitG yet, but I will promise you that you won't be disappointed.

"Let It Be Me"
There may come a time, a time in everyone's life
where nothin' seems to go your way,
where nothing seems to turn out right.
There may come a time, you just can't seem to find your way.
For every door you walk on to, seems like they get slammed in your face.

That's when you need someone, someone that you can call.
And when all your faith is gone, feels like you can't go on,
let it be me.
Let it be me.
If it's a friend that you need,
let it be me.
Let it be me.

Feels like you're always comin' on home,
pockets full of nothin and you got no cash.
No matter where you turn you ain't got no place to stand.
Reach out for something and they slap your hand.
Now I remember all too well
just how it feels to be all alone.
You feel like you'd give anything
for just a little place you can call your own.

That's when you need someone, someone that you can call.
And when all your faith is gone, feels like you can't go on,
let it be me.
Let it be me.
If it's a friend you need,
let it be me.
Let it be me.

Update 10/11: I found it all. Click here to download the full album.


Ask for It by Name

And you thought pink-hatted Red Sox fans were stupid. Check out what some women down in Tampa are doing to show their support for the Devil Rays ...

(By the way, a guy named Gareth posted the best reaction to this so far on

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Monday, October 06, 2008

Say It Ain't So, Gov

A Special Comment from Keith Olbermann.

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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Out of Tune

Welcome to New York. It's a place that's practically empty on a Friday night, where there's always a parking space right in front of clubs, and where high school kids can not only get into bars easily, but they can bypass the lines with ease and can be served alcohol — enough to get totally drunk. This is the New York of Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist, where everything is seemingly just right so as to engineer the kind of "crazy" night that may lead to an unlikely and rather forced love connection between our leads Nick (Michael Cera) and Nora (Kat Dennings). Infinite Playlist is that kind of movie, complete with a hip soundtrack, and made for a particular target audience that doesn't really include me. In fact, I was probably the oldest person in the theater when I saw it. I didn't awwww or laugh or enjoy the movie as much as the others seemed to. Not that Infinite Playlist is an entirely bad movie (I enjoyed Ari Graynor's performance as Nora's drunk friend, for example). It just feels really contrived and episodic and long. Sure, every movie romance is contrived on some level, but I had a hard time buying that these two had such an instant connection — as opposed to the pairs in other movies like Before Sunrise. And I was also distracted by the many cameos (Seth Meyers, Andy Samberg, John Cho, etc.). At some points, I wanted this flick to be more like a junior version of Love Is a Mix Tape, the great book in which two people fall in love based on their shared love of music. But Infinite Playlist doesn't have the same depth as that book, so I felt myself longing for more. And that's why I'm giving this movie a C+.

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Happy Birthday!

According to a survey by, more Americans are celebrating their birthday today, October 5, than on any other day of the year. How do we know this for sure? Well, claims to have a database of more than 135 million people's birthdays. And their survey asked 12,576 people — not a huge sampling, but big enough, I suppose. (By the way, the least common birth date in the U.S. is May 22.) If you think about it, it's not sooo surprising that October 5 is a popular birthday. After all, what was nine months ago? That's right, conception would have fallen on New Year's Eve. Oddly enough, I have more than 350 friends on Facebook, and not a single one of them is celebrating their birthday today. But if you are, then allow me to wish you a very happy day.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Sarah Says

And now, a message or two from Sarah Palin ... courtesy of The Late Show with David Letterman. Jeez, I wonder which candidate he's going to vote for next month.

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The Gospel of I Don't Know

God, Bill Maher, and the director of Borat walk into a church ... No, that's not the setup for a joke, it's the basic premise of Religulous, a documentary in which Maher goes in search of answers to the question of Is religion good or bad for society? He travels to Israel, to a truckstop church in North Carolina, to Washington, D.C., Salt Lake City, Amsterdam, and other places, and talks to members of most of the world's more popular organized religions. Suffice it to say, everyone gets skewered. Maher pokes all the expected holes in the idea of faith, in the double-standard that says God loves but he hates gay people, in the sexism that is so common, in the obsessiveness of some people, and then some. Much of the movie is quite funny — dare I say it's funny as hell? — and director Larry Charles makes great use of archival and related film clips to enhance the humor. Ultimately, though, Religulous is tainted by Maher's negative attitude. Healthy skepticism is good, and some aspects of religion are certainly ripe for questioning. But Maher doesn't really seem to have a point here, other than saying religion is bad, and the film's last five minutes leave the viewer with such a bad taste that it corrupts the humor that previously was so engaging. I was tempted to give Religulous a higher grade, but ultimately I'm going to stick with a B. If you're looking for a warmer look at religion's place in modern society, may I highly recommend A.J. Jacobs' The Year of Living Biblically.


Friday, October 03, 2008

About Last Night ...

In case you missed it (and apparently, not many people did, since about 70 million people watched), here is the VP debate in about three minutes, courtesy of Keith Olbermann.

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Enough Wining

Alright, so maybe I'm overdoing it with the political blogging lately, but I thought this was an amusing story worth posting. Seems there's a Chilean wine called Palin Syrah (of course it's a red wine), and ever since John McCain picked his running mate, sales have been off. How off? Well, that depends on who you ask and where you go. According to Fox Noise, sales are down in San Francisco but up in Houston. And according to this Associated Press story, sales are up just outside San Fran in North Berkeley. The Palin (pronounced pay-LEEN) Syrah is a 100 percent organic wine, so given Sarah's views on the environment, I'm thinking she wouldn't like this wine anyway. But that said, on this, the day of the much anticipated VP debate, I'm guessing you can tell who people are rooting for by what's in their glass.

By the way, what would your name be if Sarah Palin was your mother? You can find out by clicking here. You can call me Log Justice Palin. (Actually, don't call me that. Thanks.)


Stump the Candidate

For your viewing enjoyment (or, more likely, horror), here's a collection of Sarah Palin's pre-debate greatest hits (more like misses, if you ask me), courtesy of Keith Olbermann.

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