Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Four More Years! Four More Years!

So here we are again, another year later. When I first started this blog, did you ever expect it to last four years? I surely didn't. But today does, in fact, mark the four-year blogiversary of Martin's Musings, and at least for me, that's reason to celebrate.

Looking back on another year of musings, a few things pop out. First, there was "Curiosity Killed My Appetite," the post that was read more than any other — 2,400 hits in three days! There was also the election, which culminated in Barack Obama being chosen as our next president; I documented my support of Obama in many posts last fall. The week in April when I saw Flight of the Conchords, Lily Allen, and Bruce Springsteen (twice!) in concert. And the times when I've pigged out and then attempted to watch my weight. But that's just a sampling of the many, many things I've written about.

In short, the past 12 months — or at least the past eight, ever since I got a new job — have truly been a lot of fun, and you, my readers, have been right there with me along the way as I've ranted, raved, documented, and posted. In fact, I can tell you that more than 12,125 visitors in the past year clicked on more than 15,330 pages of this blog — and that doesn't include all the folks who've read these posts on Facebook.

So I thank you for reading. In four years, I've written close to 1,280 blog posts. Anyone want to guess how long it'll take me to double that number?


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