I don't often go to Cambridge, and it's not just because getting there by T is an uncomfortable experience.

Or at least it used to be. When I first moved to Boston, I worked for five months at a public relations firm in Kendall Square. Then they fired me, which was the best possible thing because I was not the right person for this job and I truly did not like it. But while I worked there and for a couple years after that, every time I'd ride the T, I'd get an upset stomach every time we'd go through the Kendall/MIT station. No joke. It was like a
Pavlov's Dog kind of thing that my body just
knew where I was and hated being there.
All that has passed now, thank God, and basically I just told you a story for no relevant reason to this posting.

Anyway, these days I don't go to Cambridge because I don't
like Cambridge. Actually, maybe the anecdote above
was relevant because I'll expand my statement to say I don't like
anywhere on the Red Line. No dating relationship I've ever had with a woman who lived in Cambridge or Somerville has ever worked out. In fact, I don't even date people who live on the Red Line anymore. I'm strictly a
Green Line dater. And I've just never fit in over there when I've walked around. All the independent stores and restaurants, with their "edginess" — they're just not my thing. I much prefer the Back Bay or Brookline to Central Square or Harvard Square.
In fact, I am strictly a Green Line
person, and I do believe there are Green Line people and Red Line people. And yes, I prefer people who live on this side of the river too.
Cantabrigians (or whatever they're called) are just not my kind of people. They're a totally different breed. Somervillians too. Which is fine. It's not that I don't
like the people who live there, I just don't like where they
live. I mean, and also, it's so far away. Hell, it's like going to a different country going to the other side of the river. So I almost never go. And sure, maybe it's because I don't know the area so well. After all, for a while, I thought that Somerville was a part of Cambridge, in the same way that Chestnut Hill is a part of Newton.
But I went to that side of the river last night, to Harvard Square, with Todd and
Sara. And
it was a good time, but yeah, I don't like Cambridge very much.
(And for the record, this was just a silly posting, full of ridiculous statements, wild generalizations, and dumb, unfounded commentary. I was just having a little fun, so I hope you read it with plenty of salt. Even though, alright fine, there may actually be a shread of truth to what I wrote if you don't pay attention to the pesky details.)